The colors have different meanings based on their coloumns. The type rows just have colors that correspond to their type. The stats columns, on the other hand, indicate how good or bad a state is. Red is poor, Green is Good, and Blue is great.
It's pretty simple. If you want to sort the pokemon by let's say speed, for example, then just click on the header for that stat. Clicking the header will put rows in numeric order and clicking the header again will reverse the order. This rules applies for each table, every column can be sorted in either alphabetical or numeric order by clicking the header.
It's the awesomest. The searchbar will look for any matches in any cell of the table and display all rows that meet your requirments. If you search "dolfin" the you''ll just see Dolfin's stats. If you search for "water" all the water types will be displayed.